Monday, August 28, 2006

Monday Evening Ramblings

This has been a pretty busy day considering that I got nothing of consequence done. I did get the house fairly clean, the laundry done, the garbage out, and the dogs fed. But I didn't write or do much reading. I didn't work on my new beading stuff. I should.

I have this feeling that I am sitting here spinning my wheels while life passes me by. I'm getting a bit more disciplined and am getting a few small things done, but I want to do more. Like find a time to write every day that I cannot sluff off. I would like to do some serious reading.

I was reading the CNN webpage today and I saw that things are a bit better in Iraq because things are more under control in Baghdad. I guess an extra 15,000 or so troops has put a crimp in the terrorists. Attack-related deaths are down by nearly 50%. Of course last month was the bloodiest in terms of civilian deaths of the war.

I see that guy who confessed to the Ramsey killing was lying. What would make someone confess to the rape and murder of a child, I wonder? He's still not out of the woods as they are going to prosecute him in California for child pornography. So he's a sick puppy by anyone's estimation other than his own.

The weather here is about to change toward autumn they say. We have one more pretty warm day on tap. After that they say it will get cooler and cloudy. That's ok. Maybe we'll get some rain and it will save me having to go out and water the garden every day. Every grey cloud has a silver lining with the right attitude.

It's getting late and I admit I'm tired. I didn't get nearly as good a night's sleep last night as I might have wished. That's two in a row and no naps either. Tonight promises to be a bit better as it's cooled off considerably already. I think I'll see what I can do with writing in the morning while I'm having coffee. The game will be down and I can concentrate on getting that done. Maybe early morning with fresh coffee is my particular writing time.

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