Monday, May 07, 2007

Girl Stuff

Tonight as I was getting ready for bed, I stopped for a moment to consider my daily routine. Every morning when I get up I put on lotion for the dry spots on my legs and arms. I put on eye cream, lip cream, moisturizer, and neck cream. I always put on lipstick but any other makeup depends on if I'm going out.

At night I have the same routine, but with different things.

I got to wondering why I do this. I've been doing it pretty regularly since I was in my teens. When I was in my teens, I think there was a good reason. Today I"m not so sure other than the fact that I do it for me. I harbor no delusions that this stuff is going to somehow keep me young and one day my prince will come. I don't believe in princes and I sure as hell don't believe in happily ever after.

I do believe there is a time and a place for taking care of yourself, and maybe for me is the best possible reason because for whatever reason it still matters to me. Part of it is just that I don't want to look like my sister. She's two years younger than me but has more lines on her face than she has places for them. Of course she has a lot of reasons. She's never taken care of her skin. She's been one who spends time in the sun without sun screen, she's had dentures for years, and she smokes. That's a perfect recipe for wrinkles. Don't get me wrong. I love my sister dearly and she's a really good person. She's just a very wrinkled very good person.

I have dentures now too, and I can already see the sags and creases in one cheek. Yeah I know. Why only one? No idea. I have age spots trying to form on only one side as well. Those will be taken care of soon. I will not have those nasty things on my face.

Some of this is fairly ironic considering I don't color my hair or shave. Then again, I have very little that could be shaved anyway as I have virtually no hair anywhere on my body especially my arms and legs. I have always considered shaving a waste of time and energy. If I were a man I would probably have a beard.

Anyway I'm off to bed. I'm tired. I spent quite a bit of time today cutting down a huge thatch of blackberry vines in the yard. I'll finish up the job tomorrow as well as having to cut up the vines I cut down and get them into the yard waste bin. I can't believe I got as much done as I did. This was a big patch and now it's reduced to odds and ends to be taken care of another day. Tomorrow will be busy.


BBC said...

I have dentures now too, but I don't wear them very often, I don't miss my teeth at all, I hated those teeth.

Sags, creases and scars give us interesting looks, don't they?

I primp myself some, and shave most days, but don't use lotions.

It's a great life if ya don't weaken.

Leandra said...

I couldn't eat if I didn't have my teeth. I only have uppers; I wanted to get a partial on the lowers, but lost my dental insurance before the job was done so I'm stuck with a mess on the bottom but good top teeth.

I think life gets easier as you get older because you have to concentrate less on the superficialities and also because you're free to be yourself and to care a lot less what others think of you. Those are pluses in my book.

I am not sure when exactly I decided to just be me. I had spent so much of my life changing to try to be good enough for other people and failing miserably. One day I just decided to be myself and screw those who didn't like it. I have always liked who I am and never understood why so few others ever did. I said to myself "self. You might as well be yourself. You're better at it than anyone else."

I must admit I'm much more content now that I don't worry about what anyone else thinks about me.