Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Today's the day. My appointment at the sleep clinic is only a few hours away. Actually I've got two appointments. One will have them check out the machine I use, the other one will be with the doctor.

I don't expect much to happen today as these are first appointments. I've been to sleep clinics repeatedly for years and they've not been able to actually help me sleep, but we'll see. There are lots of things they could do including trying sleeping pills to break the cycle of non-sleep. It will be interesting to see if something actually gets done. Still, a bit of hope is better than none, so I'm looking forward to going there.

With any luck, given the timing of the visit, I should be done and home without hitting too much of the commute. The traffic around here is awful and the area where I will be driving is one of the worst in the nation. On the other hand, I've driven it for years so I'm used to it.

I'm going prepared to have to wait a while between visits, but that's ok too. The actual appointments are an hour apart. That's not all that bad.


BBC said...

The key to sleeping better is to change your life. I don't think a sleep clinic can help you with that.

Ignoring the rest of the world helps some also, there isn't a damn thing we can do about all those monkeys screwing around except put up with them.

Sad, but true.

Leandra said...

Well, I actually have some legitimate sleep problems like apnea. But that's not what is causing this current run. As for changing my life, I've changed more than the sheets on the bed in a cheap motel, and it's never let me sleep.

Actually I think ignoring the rest of the world is part of the problem. I've been such a hermit for so long that I've sorta forgotten how to make friends any more. Sad thing is I'm not really sure I want to change that. People are, for the most part, much more trouble than they're worth with a few notable exceptions.

I don't know why I don't sleep. I've tried drugs, therapy, doctors, positive thinking, warm milk, and a bazillion over the counter things none of which work. I once had a doctor in the hospital give me a shot that was supposed to knock me out all night. I woke up three hours later. I am considering taking up meditation to see if that works.