Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanksgiving Eve

Thanksgiving has always been a much larger holiday in my house than Christmas for a lot of reasons I won't go into here. Tonight is Thanksgiving eve. My daughter arrived home from work early. Together we had gathered the necessary piles of food for the holiday.

We have lots of little things we do on Thanksgiving eve. We bake pies and we share champagne in special etched glasses that are used for no other purpose than for she and I to drink a toast or two to the holidays. We cook the eggs for the stuffing and the deviled eggs. We chop veggies for the stuffing in the morning, cook the giblets, and make the jello salad.

Tonight we watched March of the Penguins together. At the end of the movie we shared a piece of freshly made pumpkin pie before going to bed.

Tomorrow we will make stuffing, cook two kinds of potatoes, stuff celery, make relish trays, and put together a big meal fit for an army. Some friends who have nowhere to go for the holiday will share the meal with us. Susan will send pies to her ex and his girlfriend, and his sister and her family (don't ask. My family is nothing if not complicated). And we'll enjoy our time together.

The next few weeks will be very stressful and we're facing some hard times, but we'll make it through. For now it is Thanksgiving eve, it's late, and I'm heading to bed. I wish everyone a great holiday. Tomorrow I'll deal with having as a guest a 6' tall male crossdresser and his whatever. That should be infinitely interesting. As I said, life is sometimes quite interesting and unusual around here.

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