Sunday, August 26, 2007

It's Another One of "Those" Days

I have bored to death today. I am not exactly sure why since it's not as if I don't have plenty to do all the time. It's more a matter of deciding what I can manage to get to every day than finding things that need to be done.

I still want to get more organized. I tend to pick away at it and it gets a bit better as time goes on, but it's more two steps forward and one step back. I really want to write more and I'm working on that. I've managed to do something like a page a day on my book the past several days, which is nowhere near what I actually want to accomplish. It's funny. I typed that last sentence, noiced a messy spot on my desk and stopped typing this to lean the place up. It looks a lot better and now a lot of things I don't really need are resting in the waste basket to be tossed out tomorrow morning.

The good news is that I will finish another project probably within a week and a half. That's one less major thing to worry about. It will reduce the number of afghans I have to make for Christmas to three, one of which is quite small--more of a lap robe than a real afghan, but a very pretty pattern. I also have my daughter's present to sew, but as involved as it appears to me at the moment, I have a sneaking suspicion that once the zipper is in properly the rest will follow.

My daughter's friend moved her junk (well a lot of it anyway) out of the house today. She's been using the place as an unpaid storage unit and Susan got tired of it, particularly after her boyfriend again attacked my daughter verbally calling her some pretty foul names and then obsessing over the size of her boyfriend's penis. That last one strikes me as odd as I can't imagine why he would care if the guy even had one or not.

This boyfriend (her girlfriend's boyfriend) is a time bomb as far as I am concerned. He's already shoved her around a couple of times, and has been extremely verbally abusive to her as well. The girlfriend is a nice enough girl but she's one of these people who allows life to simply blow her from place to place and she simply sticks wherever she lands for as long as she can before she's blown on. One of these days he's going to go over the edge and we'll be visiting the friend in the hospital. It's not a matter of if, but merely a matter of when. The guy becomes more abusive every time he has one of these episodes.

It's still cold and damp here, but the weather is due to take a turn for the better and might actually break 80 sometime toward the end of the week. We haven't had much of a summer but when I see what the rest of the country got, I am not going to complain too much. Ours is preferable to theirs any time.

Right now I am going to read for a few minutes then get my butt into bed. I promised to take my daughter to the park and ride in the morning since her regular ride will be on vacation this coming week. I don't mind. It will give me a perfect excuse to stop by Starbucks on the way home and treat myself to a special coffee. I don't do it often, but I think I will this time. I deserve a treat to start my week off.

1 comment:

Sewmouse said...

Make sure both you and Susan have the 911 speed-dial programmed into your phones.

This dude sounds like a time bomb - and like most of the male garbage in the world, will need to be taken out before he stinks up the place too much.