Sunday, August 12, 2007

A productive weekend

I actually managed to get some things done this weekend. In addition to what I discussed before, I managed to empty my bedroom bookshelves, sort through them, reshelf those I'm keeping, and put four canvas shopping bags full of books in the other room pending a trip to Half Price Books tomorrow sometime. Tomorrow I'll do the same thing to my desktop, cleaning out the papers and things I don't need, tossing other things, and cleaning off the dresser. At some point my bedroom will be clean. This is a good thing.

I've been chipping away at my other big project, my car, for the past week. I have the interior cleaned out and have used Armor All on most of it. Still a bit remaining on that. I bought a bag the other day, and it will hold my roadside emergency kit and the first aid kit. Right now the emergency kit is in a big unwieldy plastic thingie. That's just the beginning. I have to get the entire trunk emptied out. That's when the real work begins. From there it needs to go to a place near here where I can vacuum out the entire interior and trunk. Then I'll run it through the carwash.

From there it needs to be polished. That's going to take me some time because I get tired. Finally, when all of that is done, I'll use some shampoo I have to clean the seats, and buy new floor mats. Mine are shot. Poor old car deserves some TLC. I already have the polish and the seat cleaner. It will be nice to see it looking more like a car and less like a rolling trash bag.

I'm rather proud of getting some of the detailed cleaning done. I have other areas in the house that need to be tackled too. There is a never-ending supply of them unfortunately. Still, it keeps me off the streets and out of the bars, so I suppose it's not all bad.

1 comment:

Sewmouse said...

Well, that makes one of us.

I spent the weekend keeping cool and taking naps in between... stuff. *grin*