Monday, January 22, 2007

Discouraging Day

This is not starting out to be a good day. I woke up barely able to walk for about the first hour of the day. I had somehow managed to turn onto my back and then lock my knees, resulting in both legs hurting like mad until the circulation finally got restored. They are fine now.

I checked and found that we are nearly out of the wood we will need to heat the house the rest of the winter, so we will have to buy more in order to make it through. Considering that the Social Security people "forgot" to take out my supplemental Medicare insurance premiums for three months, I will be extremely short of money from the end of Feb until the end of March. *sigh*

Then I went out today and spent money I don't really have on a new headset for my computer because I need to be able to talk to my game guild during our dungeon runs. Unfortunately it doesn't work. Well, half of it does. The earphones part. I already have working earphones. Better ones at that. The microphone doesn't work. I am heading out to the website now. Of course there isn't a manual with these things. I can't actually take them back since they came in one of those plastic bubble things you have to destroy to get the damned things out.

I decided to eat garbage for lunch and stopped by Wendy's for a jalapeno burger. They don't make them any more.

I think I will go to bed.


BBC said...

Firewood is getting pretty darn expensive, I'm not sure it is that cheap to use anymore. And all the work that goes with it.

Helen heats with firewood, I heat with electricity and love it. If they had natural gas here I would use it. Had natural gas in Montana, it was a no brainer.

Food, I just use it to keep me alive and eat most anything and am thankful for it.

Thankfully at 63 my joints are still just great. Shit, I hope I don't last another twenty years.

Hey, cheer up, things could be worse. :-)

Sewmouse said...

You got the headset workin' last nite, just not the way you wanted it to work. Technology suxxors.

Natural gas rocks. I have it for heat & cooking & hot water... in fact, I WILL NOT cook on an electric stove. I hate them.

You need a massage, girl. And you need to have the trial over so that the agony of not knowing the outcome can abate. *sigh* Easier said than done, but - try to worry a little less, k?