Saturday, January 13, 2007

Web Site

Well, I've finally gotten off of my ample backside and began work on a new website. I will need it for a lot of things if any of my plans come to fruition this year. Besides, it's good practice....I keep telling myself that as I tear my hair out.

My first decision was to use a template for the site since it has been so very long since I've actually worked on a site. I've built several from the ground up by hand, but I don't really have much imagination where site design is concerned and my stuff frequently resembles something a kid might draw with crayons. I wanted a professional site, so that's what I set out to build.

If you have read any of this blog you already know the story of the infamous boomerang site building book. But it was worth the trouble. Over the past few days I have selected my template and set out to begin constructing the site. That's where the trouble started. Learning where in the code to put everything was a challenge. Knowing how to read the code in the first place helps a lot, but I still had a lot of work. Today I finally finished the last of building the bare bones skeleton for the site. The links work. I like the way it looks, etc. I've decided on content, what goes where, layout, and all that.

Now the real work begins. I will be slowly building the site, page by page of content. There will be dozens (in the end maybe a hundred or so) of pages. Some I have. Some I will create over the next couple of weeks. It is beginning to look good, and that part I love. I'm still tearing out my hair more often than not. But I am also making progress. Right now I have put it all up for the day. I have earned a nap or at least a time to relax with a movie.

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