Saturday, December 16, 2006

Getting Things Done

These past few days have been good for me in terms of getting stuff done. I just got home from mailing packages. Everything will arrive by Christmas other than one thing for Sewmouse that unfortunately hasn't arrived yet, despite being shipped on the 7th. I guess it's coming by way of the pony express or something.

Yesterday I got six potholders cut and pieced. Still have to do the sashes. I also have to cut two more at Susan's request. I will do that today and also get the backings and heat-resistant batting cut and everything pinned together. Susan is going to help me sew them all as gifts for family.

Tomorrow and then Tues. I'll do the holiday cooking/baking I need to do for gifts. That will pretty much finish off my work for the holidays. We have dinner with the ex and others on Friday evening, then a big family gathering with a traditional meal on Saturday. Sunday is just for lazy and of course Monday is Christmas. Then that's all out of the way for another year.

I was thinking today just how much small things matter these days. More specifically small acts of kindness by total strangers. When I was in Costco today I reached for a box of the premade fireplace logs. The box weighs 54 lbs. and I knew it would be a struggle to get it in the cart. A nice young man came over and picked it up for me and put it in the cart. That was really nice. As I was pulling out of the parking lot, another guy stopped and helped me get out because I couldn't see traffic well. Then when I went to mail my packages, a woman held the door for me because my arms were so full.

I realize these are very small common courtesies, but they are so rare today they bear commenting upon. These people brightened my day. To me that counts.


BBC said...

Yeah, a clerk at a lumber yard gave me about a pound of free screws today.

But it is the Christmas season, it will pass for many.

When I had my business I did random acts of kindness all the time.

In fact my wife always bitched because I did things for others. Hello?

What was I doing wrong?

BBC said...

As for your other post, I'm earthquake ready, so a little wind storm is no big deal to me.

Sewmouse said...

Happy Birthday you Goofy Wench!!


Your pressie finally arrived and hits the mail today!